In-app content management

You can use Hypertune as a headless CMS to manage, localize, personalize, A/B test and optimize in-app content like onboarding copy and checklists, guides and templates, tooltips and error messages, signup and upgrade flows, modals and banners, etc.

This lets you empower content, translation, marketing, product and customer success teams to update in-app content themselves.

Unlike a typical CMS, Hypertune lets you insert arbitrary logic for translation, personalization, A/B testing and machine learning. So you don't need to stitch together your CMS with your A/B testing platform and nontechnical marketers can A/B test new content quickly and easily, without needing help from developers.

To use Hypertune for in-app content management, follow the quickstart, but use String or custom types instead of Boolean, e.g. you might start with a schema like:

type Query {
  root(context: Context!): Root!

input Context {
  user: User!

input User {
  id: String!
  name: String!
  email: String!

type Root {
  pages: [Page!]!

type Page {
  title: String!
  content: [Block!]!

union Block = TextBlock | ImageBlock

type TextBlock {
  text: String!

type ImageBlock {
  imageUrl: String!
  height: Int!
  caption: String!

String formatting

You can format strings in Hypertune with arguments defined in your schema.

To create a formatted string, define an argument on the string field itself or one of its parent fields, e.g. in the Context. Then implement the string's logic with a Text Chain expression. Open the menu on the Text Chain to add an empty expression that you can set to an argument.

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