GraphQL quickstart

You can access your flags without an SDK by sending a GraphQL query to our low latency edge server.

1. Write a GraphQL query

Navigate to the Preview tab in the Hypertune UI and enter the following GraphQL query:

query TestQuery {
  root {

In the Result tab, you can see the flag that matches your query, including all of its logic.

Now pass the context argument containing the user object in the query:

query TestQuery {
    context: {
      environment: "DEVELOPMENT",
      user: {
        id: "test_id"
        name: "Test"
        email: ""
  ) {

Now your flag logic has been reduced, i.e. the "If / Else" expression has been replaced with its result.

2. Get code snippets

Switch to the Code Snippets tab to see JavaScript and cURL snippets for the GraphQL query you entered.

/* Query: query TestQuery {
    context: {
      environment: "DEVELOPMENT",
      user: {
        id: "test_id"
        name: "Test"
        email: ""
  ) {
Example Variables: {} */
function fetchConfigFromHypertune(variables) {
  return fetch(`${
        query: "query TestQuery { root( context: { environment: \"DEVELOPMENT\", user: { id: \"test_id\" name: \"Test\" email: \"\" } } ) { exampleFlag } }",
        variables: variables
    }`, {
    method: "GET",
    redirect: "follow",
    referrerPolicy: "no-referrer-when-downgrade",
    keepalive: true
  .then((response) => {
    return response.json();
  .then((result) => {
    if ( {
    throw result;

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