
You can build funnels in the Hypertune UI to:

  • See drop-off rates between different event types

  • Compare conversion rates across different arms of a split


A funnel is composed of a sequence of steps.

Each step can be an:

  • Event, e.g. SignUpEvent

  • Split exposure, e.g. New Editor A/B Test or Landing Page Machine Learning Loop

Once you add steps, the funnel will show you how many unique users completed the first step. Then out of those, how many went on to do the second step. Then out of those, how many went on to do the third step, and so on. So each step shows you how many users from the previous step completed the action associated with the current step.

For example, you can build a funnel with the following steps:

  1. Event: PageViewEvent

  2. Event: SignUpEvent

  3. Event: UpgradeEvent

This lets you see drop-off rates between each step of your onboarding funnel.

Breakdowns and segments

Each step can be broken down by payload fields attached to the event or split exposure.

For example, if you included a utm_source field in the PageViewEvent type, you can add this as a breakdown to the first step in the example above, to get a segment for each value of utm_source.

Breakdowns are carried through to all the following steps in the funnel so you can see drop-off rates for each segment.

Split steps can also be broken down by their dimensions, to get a segment for each arm of the dimension.

For example, you can build a funnel with the following steps:

  1. Split Exposure: New Landing Page A/B Test

  2. Event: SignUpEvent

  3. Event: UpgradeEvent

You can break down the first step by the dimension of the A/B test to compare the conversion rate, in terms of sign ups and upgrades, for the Test arm and the Control arm.

Multiple breakdowns can be added to each step or across different steps in the funnel, and you'll get a segment for each unique combination of payload field values and dimension arms.

Last updated