Rust quickstart

1. Install hypertune

Once you have a Rust application ready, install Hypertune's Rust crate and the Serde crate:

cargo add hypertune serde

2. Install the Hypertune CLI

Download the Hypertune CLI:


  • Put it somewhere accessible via your PATH

  • Add execute permissions to it with chmod +x hypertune

  • Right-click to open it

3. Generate the client

Generate a type-safe client to access your flags by running:

hypertune generate --language rust --output-file-path src/ --token <token>

Replace <token> with your main project token which you can find in the Settings tab of your project.

4. Use the client

mod hypertune;

fn main() {
    let root_node = hypertune::initialize_hypertune(hypertune::Rec {}, None)
        .root(hypertune::Rec2 {
            context: hypertune::Rec3 {
                environment: hypertune::Environment::DEVELOPMENT,
                user: hypertune::Rec4 {
                    id: "test_id".to_string(),
                    name: "Test".to_string(),
                    email: "".to_string(),
    let example_flag = root_node.exampleFlag().get(false);

That's it

Now you can update the logic for exampleFlag from the Hypertune UI without updating your code or waiting for a new build, deployment, app release or service restart.

To add a new flag, create it in the Hypertune UI then regenerate the client.

Last updated