App configuration

Separating configuration from code is an emerging best practice and the third factor of The Twelve-Factor App methodology. Across all app configuration use cases, Hypertune lets your team:

  • Update your app instantly — without needing a code change, build, deployment, app release or service restart, whether it’s rolling back a feature, changing permissions or tweaking in-app copy

  • Decouple dependencies in your organization — so developers can focus on shipping to production and others are safely empowered to make changes themselves without the painful back and forth with engineering

  • Optimize your app — via manual tuning, A/B testing, machine learning loops and personalization rules

  • Reduce complexity — by extracting all configuration logic, e.g. user-specific code, out of different codebases and into a single source of truth

  • Increase flexibility — by building one app that can be configured in many different ways without extra engineering

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