
Hypertune is the most powerful feature flag, A/B testing, analytics and app configuration platform. Built with full end-to-end type-safety and Git version control. Optimized for TypeScript, React and Next.js.

Jump straight into the quickstart or watch the 5 minute demo below for a quick introduction.

Use cases

Beyond simple feature flags and A/B testing, you can use Hypertune for more complex app configuration like:

  • Optimizing your landing page and onboarding funnel with machine learning

  • In-app content management with localization, personalization, A/B testing and ML

  • Managing and optimizing your pricing plans

  • Managing permissions, rules and limits

  • Managing and optimizing magic numbers

  • Complex backend configuration

Why make your app configurable

Separating configuration from code is an established best practice and the third factor of The Twelve-Factor App methodology. It lets you:

  • Update configuration instantly without a code update, build, deployment, app release or service restart

  • Safely empower nontechnical teammates to view and change configuration themselves, saving developers time

  • Optimize configuration with manual tuning, A/B testing and machine learning

  • Unify configuration across different codebases, like frontend and backend, into a single source of truth

  • Make your code cleaner, smaller and more flexible

  • Reduce engineering complexity and improve system reliability by separating the concerns of code and configuration

Last updated